Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Applications are invited for the post of Pharmacist in University of Horticultural Sciences

Applications are invited in the prescribed form for filling up the following posts of Technical & Service Personnel from the eligible candidates who are qualified as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications in the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot.
Post: Pharmacist-  01
Scale of Pay: Rs. 16000-29600
Roster: SC
a) Must have passed SSLC.
b) Must have a diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University with a minimum of 3 years experience in a recognized Nursing Home/Hospital.
c) Must have a record of good service.
d) B. Pharma degree is desirable.

1. The entire notification along with the detailed qualifications & application pro-forma prescribed for each of the categories of the posts notified is accessible from the University website of the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. The candidates have to obtain application proforma through website only.
2. The applicants have to obtain application pro-form and Bank Challan through The University website. The following processing fees should be paid throughchallan at any Branches of STATE BANK OF INDIA. The applicants have to encloseUniversity Copy of the challan along with the applications form after payment of processing fees at any Branches of State Bank of India, and to be sent to the Registrar, UHS, Bagalkot.
a) For Officers / Professors post `.1000/-(SC/ST/Cat-I `.500/- only)
b) For other posts Rs. 500/- (SC/ST/Cat-I `.250/- only)
Applications without processing fees will be rejected. Processing fees will not be returned in any case. DD / IPO / Cheque are not accepted.
3. Ex-servicemen or children of defence personnel killed or disabled in action and Physically Disabled persons are exempted from payment of processing fees provided they furnish appropriate certificate along with the filled-in applications in support of their claim.
4. The filled-in applications which do not accompany the prescribed processing fees (University Copy of the challan) are liable to be rejected.
5. Separate applications with separate processing fee are required for each of the post applied. Applications for two different posts should not be tagged together.
6. The Backlog posts will be filled up as per the Government Notification No.DPAR 13 SBC 2001, Bangalore dtd: 21.11.2001 and dtd: 01.06.2002.
7. The detailed score card and qualifications for selection of candidates to the posts of Officers, Teachers, Technical Posts & Service Personnel are in accordance with the University Notification displayed in website
8. Relaxation of 5% marks at Master’s level & 5% of marks at Graduate level is provided to the SC/ST/Physically & visually handicapped persons for eligibility to various posts of Teachers in UHS, Bagalkot.
9. Knowledge of reading and writing Kannada is desirable.
10. The candidates who have studied under Trimester System and other than 10 point grading system are required to produce the equivalent percentagecertificates obtained from the respective University.
11. Working hours of the University: 9.00am to 5.00pm (on Saturday: 9.00am to 1.00pm)
12. Applications must be accompanied by attested copies of Marks Sheets, Certificates, Experience Certificates, Publications, Research Notes, Certificates of Awards/Medals, Certificates related to past service etc. and the details of research or related publication, if any, in support of eligibility.
13. All communications, in respect of applications for recruitment against the posts advertised by the University, should be addressed to the Registrar, University of Horticultural Sciences, Sector No.60, Navanagar, Bagalkot-587 103 (Karnataka).
14. The vacancies now notified are provisional and are subject to variations. The University reserves the right to fill-in any or all the vacancies.
15. The minimum and maximum age limit prescribed for the posts of Service Personnel / Technical Assistant is 18 years and 40 years (the maximum age limt is 48 years for experienced based posts), as on the last date prescribed for receipt of filled in applications. However, there is no age limit for In-service Non Teaching candidates working on regular basis in UHS and also DRE / MRE / Temporary / Contract basis in UHS, Bagalkot.
16. For all recruitments to the posts in the University, other things being equal, the University employees shall be given preference.
17. Filled-in applications together with copies of testimonials should also be sent in an envelope, super scribing on it, “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____________________________” to THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES, SECTOR NO.60, NAVANAGAR, BAGALKOT-587 103 (KARNATAKA) on or before 5.00 pm on 16-9-2013 from the candidates staying in India and abroad. The candidates staying abroad may also download theapplication form from the website ( and submit the application form along with the relevant documents and the prescribed processing fee inforeign currency.
18. Applications / any other documents received after the last date and also incomplete applications will be rejected. The University is not responsible for the postal delay.
19. Furnishing any false information or suppression of the facts in the application form shall hold the candidate liable to action deemed fit.
20. Only short listed candidates based on order of merit in the essential qualification prescribed for the post will be called for practical Test / interview in the ratio of 1:10. However, all eligible Ph.D degree holders applied for Assistant Professor Posts and all Non Teaching in-service candidates working on regular basis in UHS and also DRE / MRE / temporary / contract Basis in UHS, Bagalkot will also be called for the interview. The candidates have to attend the interview at their own cost.
21. No recommendations should be forwarded to the University. Canvassing in any form amounts to disqualification for the candidature.
22. The selected candidates are liable to be transferred anywhere in Karnataka to the Colleges/Research Stations/Extension Centres etc., coming under the University jurisdiction.
23. The appointed candidates are governed by the Rules and Regulations of the University.
No. R/UHSB/Rectt./Advt.4/3692/2013-14

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